Re: I am trying to do multiple if statements in a formula but can't seem to get it right!
Hey @ionam, Looks like you removed the wrong character here: "Assessment Date Booked]@row+730 Remove the " at the beginning and put the [ in its place.1 · -
Re: How do I customize a request ID based on specific form selections?
Hey @Kelsee Katsanes, I don't know if there's necessarily a way you can have each form selection have it's own count (ie if there's one submission for Content Management then another for QA, they wou…1 · -
Re: Counting formula-checked check boxes in sheet summary column - returns Invalid Data type
Hey @Mross0878, In your At Risk column, are there any cells that show "Invalid Data Type"? I just discovered that if a row in the At Risk column has "Invalid Data Type", that also…1 · -
Re: How to calculate using a 7 day workweek (to replace NETWORKDAY)?
Hey @Kathy PPT, You should just be able to use NETDAYS(), as that counts every day between two dates. Hope this helps!1 · -
Re: Formula for business days?
Hey @laura.sandoval, You can use IFERROR for that. It'd look something like this: =IFERROR(NETWORKDAY(5/5/24, 5/10/24), "") Hope this helps!1 ·