Re: Arrows in a text row with other text.
Hey @Steve Spradlin, You could use either UNICHAR or CHAR functions to insert special characters using either Unicode or the charset of your computer operating system: Hope this helps!1 · -
Re: Need to compare dates between two columns and choose the later date
Hey @Ally C, I would just use an IF statement in the third date column to compare the dates: =IF([Date 1]@row > [Date 2]@row, [Date 1]@row, [Date 2]@row) Hope this helps!1 · -
Re: Why is my countifs formula not working
Hey @mleesc, In this instance, I think there's something wrong with the range of Range 12. So each range in the formula only covers 1 column each, but do they cover the same # of rows? If the Range 1…1 · -
Re: Need to pick the right solution to start a project. Need Dashboard that receives updates...
Hey @RichieRich24, It might be helpful for you to take the Self-Paced "Communicating with Dashboards" course on Smartsheet University. That will give you a good idea of how Dashboards work …1 · -
Re: How to return a value based on # value or a null value in a range. The # of miles to which zone
Hey @Greg S., It appears you closed off the IF statement too early on the first logical expression: =IF([Hot Route Mileage (Roundtrip)]@row)>=600, "No HR",IF(AND([H…. Try removing that (…1 ·