Re: Issue with Cell Linking from Metadata to a new sheet in the same workspace
Make sure the field name in both fields being linked is the same. One is Project Name. The other is Project / Task Name.1 · -
Auto Sort Filtered Sheet
Create method to auto sort a filtered sheet. If date is selected for sorting and Status field is filtered to Open. Current method is to turn filter off, select date field, select sort, select OK, cha…6 · -
Re: Need another expert on formula?
Try this. =IF(OR(Type@row = "Optimization", Type@row = "Cost Avoidance"), "", IF([IMP $]@row > 0, "Yes", ""))1 · -
Re: Report Tasks within this week
The easiest method is to use the Filter option in the report, "Is in the next", and put the number of days, 7 for example, to capture tasks that are coming due in the next 7 days. If you ne…1 · -
Re: How to use index, collect, contains
Create a helper column on the PO sheet to extract the 12345 from the PO number. Then Index Match to the helper column =VALUE(IFERROR(LEFT(PO@row, FIND("-", PO@row) - 1), PO@row))1 ·