Re: AI Get Help Lies?
It doesn't know the truth so it can't lie. It's just wrong.1 · -
Re: IF Statement to Display Symbols
Try this. =IF(AND(ISBLANK(Certify@row), ISBLANK([User Name]@row), ISBLANK(Group@row)), "Red", IF(AND(Certify@row = "Revoke", OR(ISBLANK(Comments@row), ISBLANK([User Name]@row), IS…1 · -
Re: =SUMIFS formula with 3 criteria
Revenue Column needs to be first since that is what you are summing, criteria follows. Try this: =SUMIFS({Revenue Column}, {Status Column}, "Completed", {Customer Type}, "Internal"…1 · -
Column Finder
Provide a better way to find a column in sheet. For sheets with many columns, it is sometimes difficult to locate the column that you are looking for. It would be better if there were a dropdown that…1 · -
Re: How to use IF statement formula
There are a number of ways to do this depending on how you want to use the result. First, create a separate sheet that listed all Countries and Regions, similar to this. Then use Vlookup or Index Mat…1 ·