Re: Triggers on Automations
I had just read something about this here in the community link below. I am setting up an intake process and was reading about the amount of workflow triggers allowed. Limit on workflows triggering o…1 · -
Re: February Question of the Month - Join the conversation and receive a badge
When I was younger, we had a family friend who owned a funeral home. After hanging out there for a while I wanted to become a medical examiner or a coroner. Once I got into high school, I became frie…1 · -
Re: Can someone help me? How to earn badge and share?
If you click on your profile pic in the top right corner, then click on your user name it will take you to your profile page. On the right side you will see your badges you have earned. You can click…1 · -
Re: Meet your new Community Champions! [January 2024]
Congrats to all of you. Good work and thanks for helping in all you do!1 · -
Re: Where to start? (Project Management)
Hi @ssummer hope this will help. I tell everyone starting to start off with the following. (link included) Review the full onboarding videos, this will teach you about the sheets, reports, dashboards…2 ·