Dashboard Printing from Desktop App
When using a browser to print, you are allowed some scaling options when printing. However, this is not present when using the desktop app. Can that be added to allow? Especially when using the PDF g…2 · -
Re: Send Dashboard via email - manually and automated workflow
What if we were able to schedule a dashboard. So that it would arrive to inboxes. Just like and update request or any other automation. This would save my organization great time. Especially with the…5 · -
Re: Dashboard Width
Looking for a big win. Have we been able to address the pixel availability on the dashboards? From my executives, they question the validity of a tool that seems to have very basic problems. This als…2 · -
Re: NEW Question of the Month - Join the conversation and receive a badge 🏅
That is easy, buy girl scout cookies and donate them to the military. Give it some someone who could use it. Pay for the person behind you in the drive-thru line. etc etc.10 · -
Update to the Published versions of dashboards and reports
Instead of saying View Only, I would suggest an update to View of .......... This will allow that dashboard or report to be a friendly presentation instead of so rigid.4 ·