Re: Question about collecting feedback via form or request update
@vakhanka That would probably be the best way long term if you went with this approach so that you don't need to manually add the manager before requesting the updates each time. I did something simi…1 · -
Re: Help with Sheet Summary Formulas/Dashboard Display
@Marianne Adams vfc It sounds to me like you are looking for: For each Functional Area and for each possible Fiscal Year you want to count the number of tasks with each status Apologies if I am misin…1 · -
Re: Help with Sheet Summary Formulas/Dashboard Display
@Marianne Adams vfc By hidden helper columns I just mean "backend" columns that are being used for metric calculations that you will lock and hide from other users. You would create them on…1 · -
Re: Receiving #invalid value output from a formula
@jason.smith2 Remove the first VALUE function. It's converting the first character to a value so when you try to return it as text it is invalid. =IF(ISNUMBER(LEFT(Client@row, 1)), VALUE(LEFT(Client@…1 · -
Re: I want to duplicate a cell value based on a date action
@Tofu_Now Here is a conceptual idea to try. Add a mechanism to track the current week on your project sheet. This could be a =weeknumber(today()) formula or a date column that returns the Sunday of t…1 ·