DataMesh within the same sheet to copy cells from one column to another
Up until today I've restricted my understanding of datamesh to copying values from sheet to sheet. However, I just discovered today that you can use it WITHIN a sheet! What does this solve? If you ev…8 · -
Re: Using an Automation to Duplicate a Row in the Same Sheet
I have been using this same workflow to duplicate rows within a sheet. However, a problem occurs when you have a column that is an auto number and need a new number created. Copying from sheet to she…2 · -
Conditional formatting to enforce not bold
Conditional formatting seems to work one way -- force text bold, but not the other way around. Obviously I could manually do this, but there are many lines in our sheet. The reason for this is becaus…5 · -
Copy rows within a sheet using automation
I have been using a helper sheet and automation to accomplish this. However, a problem occurs when you have a column that is an auto number and need a new number created. Copying from sheet A to shee…1 ·