Re: Multiple conditions withing an IF formula
Hello! Understood your criteria to be those listed below in order to consider a row "complete". Must be todays date Both Trainee and Trainer must both have entered anything into the initial…1 · -
Revoked-access emails still in automations/email exports... way to find them?
Minus opening each sheet, report or dashboard a deactivated user was "shared to", looking for a more efficient way to find (and/or remove) their email from any 'Automations' and/or recurrin…2 · -
Any easier way to find/remove inactive users from 'Automations' / recurring 'Send as attachment' ?
Minus opening each sheet, report or dashboard a deactivated user was "shared to", is there a more efficient way to find (and remove, ideally) their email from any 'Automations' and/or recur…1 ·