Re: Proceeding Zeros to an already existing column.
I don't think you can update the column, but you can create a calculated field to do it. Would that work? I was just playing with this the other day and this is what I came up with. =LEFT("0000&…1 · -
Re: Looking to create a formula that automatically counts X of X and returns appropriate values.s
@C. Ruiz You need an auto number column as a helper. Then you can use the following: =COUNTIFS([Full Sample Number]:[Full Sample Number], [Full Sample Number]@row, [AutoNum]:[AutoNum], <=[AutoNum]…1 · -
Re: VLOOKUP/ INDEX : Is that a way to performa reverse search starting at the last item?
You can use the Index(Collect(<Your normal Collect Statement>), Count(Collect(<Same Collect Statement>)) to get the last instance. When you normally do an index collect, you use Index(col…1 · -
Re: formula to exclude items
@Raul Cabrera Sorry about that I forgot to move the range to the front... =SUMIFS({ROM Estimated}, {Client Sector}, [Client Sector]@row, {Status}, AND(NOT(CONTAINS(@cell, "Cancelled")), NOT…1 ·