Reactions to Comments
As a company we have many people that look at our Smart Sheet so we can all stay up to date on our latest projects. That being said we rely heavily on the comment section to keep everyone on the same page. It would be nice if there was a way to "like" a comment, or once someone views the comment you can click it and it…
Merged: Allow reactions on column comments
This discussion has been merged.
Merged: Freeze Top Row
This discussion has been merged.
Auto login to Resource Management from Dashboards and WorkApp
While Smartsheet did recently release a method for accessing Resource Management from the left navigation, our team finds more value in looking at the "Reports" I've set up within RM. Reports that I've embedded within our Smartsheet WorkApp, as well as within Smartsheet Dashboards. Issue is, when trying to review the…
ENCODEURL Smartsheet Function
We have several use cases where we build custom URLs that include column data from a source sheet into a Smartsheet form URL string on a target sheet that hosts the form. It would be very helpful if Smartsheet had a function like ENCODEURL. Currently we have to build an ugly formula with multiple embedded SUBSTITUTE…
Calendar View: adjust bar configurations - size and text wrap
It would be nice to be able to adjust the size of items you are looking at your sheets in calendar view. If you have long titles they get cut off. You should be able to adjust how big the bars are or if the text can wrap so it all shows.
Automation Templates
Having to create complex automation from scratch in multiple sheets is very time-consuming and leaves significant room for error. Having a "create a template" option that can be used over and over again would be incredibly helpful. Logged in user defaults can be used for who is to be notified in the template; however,…
Allow choosing editable vs. read-only columns in manual update requests.
This discussion was created from comments split from: Enable {{Curly Brackets}} in manual "Send Update Request".
Smartsheet Outage Banner: Please add one to affected pages/Plugins
When Smartsheet has an outage, yes, we can check status.smartsheet.com to check the status. However, I think it would be helpful to users in smartsheet to know when an outage affects what they're working on. For example, I spent a long time trying to fix a bridge error I was experiencing yesterday. Today the Bridge flow…
Drop Down list and automations
Hi Comrades It would be very useful if the dropdowlist had the option to autofeed if values or names that are not included are added, with this option these dropdownlist would be automatically updated, like the contact lists Regarding the automations, seeing how the AI is starting to be implemented, it would be very good…