Exklusiver Workshop: “High-Performance-Teams"
Erhalten Sie wertvolle Einblicke in automatisierte Portfolio-Management-Lösungen. Lernen Sie, wie Sie die neuesten Smartsheet-Funktionen, einschließlich KI-Integration, für Ihr Workflow-Management nutzen können. Entdecken Sie Strategien zur Förderung und Erhaltung von High-Performance-Teams. Link:
Smartsheet User Groups - Sign Up Today!
Attention Smartsheet Community members - We're excited to invite you to join us at our upcoming in-person and virtual User Groups! These sessions offer you a chance to network with other Smartsheet users, learn from their journeys, and acquire helpful strategies for getting the most out of the platform. Best of all,…
NEW Customer Success Office Hours!
Hello, Community! We are excited to announce our new Customer Success Office Hours! Customer Success Office Hours are live small group sessions with our Customer Success team, themed around learning how to use the Smartsheet platform. If you’ve got questions, we’ve got answers - Register for our first session on August 1st…
Save the Date! Upcoming Customer Success Office Hours!
Hi, Community! Hope everyone is having a great week so far. Don't miss your chance to sign up for one of our upcoming Customer Success Office hours. Customer Success Office Hours are live small group sessions with our Customer Success team, focused on Smartsheet best practices. If you’ve got questions, we’ve got answers…
Smartsheet User Groups - Sign Up Today!
Attention Smartsheet Community members - We're excited to invite you to join us at our upcoming in-person and virtual User Groups! These sessions offer you a chance to network with other Smartsheet users, learn from their journeys, and acquire helpful strategies for getting the most out of the platform. Best of all,…
Attention!! Upcoming Smartsheet Virtual User Group
📢 Attention Smartsheet Community members! Are you curious about Smartsheet's Technical Account Manager(TAM) offering?? If so, be sure to register for our upcoming virtual User Group on Wednesday, April 17! These sessions provide valuable insights from fellow users and offer tips for maximizing Smartsheet's capabilities.…
[REMINDER] Jumpstart 2024 with Smartsheet Community is tomorrow! 🥳
Hey hey Community, it's almost time to jumpstart your year with us! Our Jumpstart 2024 with Smartsheet Community party is tomorrow, and I wanted to leave just a few reminders: Remember, you need to be a registered Community Member and have signed up for the event to join. ✔️ And good news: We had a few more spots open up,…
SELL OUT UPDATE [Virtual event] Register now for Jumpstart 2024 with Community 🥳
👉🏻 We've opened up just a few more spots - register now before they're gone! Hey Smartsheet Community, 2024 is here, and we’re excited to kick off the year in style with a FREE hour-long virtual event for all registered Smartsheet Community Members and peak humans! Other than great music and energy, you can expect:…
Add to Calendar for event registration
We are currently using Smartsheet to build reusable templates for events that occur multiple times a year and will continue for years to come. One frustrating thing that Smartsheet is lacking, is the add to calendar feature. Adding this feature would allow users to include the zoom, teams, or whatever meeting platform they…
Hi everyone, I am Marco from the Philippines! I'm currently working with Vertiv as a Senior Lead Specialist for their Virtual Events taking place around the globe. I am new to Smartsheet and I believe this will be a helpful tool for us in order to device our own Global Event Request Forms and Trackers. As for my interests,…