Trending in Formulas and Functions
Nested If statements
I am new here, but cannot figure out how to make a nested if statement or an automation to change the status based on a date in the past. What I would like to happen is when any of these dates are in the past AND the check box is not checked the current status will change to "DELAYED". I can get it to work for one argument…
Using COUNTIF(CONTAINS( referencing another sheet.
Good morning, I would like to write a formula that counts the instances where the text "Monday" appears in a given range. I've tried: =COUNTIF(CONTAINS("Monday", {Waitlist Range 2})) and some others that escape me now, but to no avail. The above function returns "Incorrect Argument". Any help would be greatly appreciated.…
I am creating a formula to look at an instructor's name on one sheet and see if it exists on another sheet (verifying that a qualification has been completed). My formula sort of works, if there's a match it tells me "INVALID DATA TYPE" and if there's no match it says "NO MATCH" I was hoping it would check a box and…