Trending in Formulas and Functions
Index Match Returning Unexpected Value
I feel like I've posted 1000 Index Match questions this year! I have a formula (below) that is returning and individual who has the same Date Assigned field but not that same MLL ID. The MLL ID is supposed to be the thing that stops the date range from looking at all the cells. I'm trying to get Ciara as a returned value…
Copy Cell Data from One Sheet to Another Based on Matching Values
Hi, I have two sheets that I am working with. One sheet has a URL that I want to copy over to the other sheet. Both sheets have an identifier column titled "Org Unit ID". I have trying to write a formula that checks both sheets for a matching Org Unit ID and then copies the URL from sheet 1 (titled "Concourse_URL List")…
Multiple Sequences Need to Be Complete/NA to Provide a Complete Value
Writing formulas is not a strong suite of mine - I've tried a few routes (IF OR AND) but I'm either running into invalid formulas or formulas that are not netting the right results. I am trying to write a formula where I'm looking for sequence values to be either Complete or N/A and based on those sequences being one of…