Weekday Formula Error?
Hello all! I've been trying to create a time entry sheet like many others, but am running into an error with the Weekday() formula. I'm using the formula on a system column for the date/time the row was created. I have an entry for 01/22/18 4:20 PM, which returns "2" for the weekday value. Right after I have an entry…
Formula for SUM by the category
Unfortunately couldn't find the solution here. I'm just looking for a formula that will allow me to count total sum by the category of a product. Basically, I have two columns: first is the Dropdown list with the category of a product, and second one is the Text/number column with the bid amount. What I need is a total sum…
Formula on Children
This is likely an elementary question, but I am having a challenge to get the formula for the Count of Children when I have the formula, for example, in a column B cell and I want to count the children of column A. What am I doing wrong?
Saving original cell value in another cell
I have a cell that holds a target date (Target Go-Live Date) and another cell that I want to hold the original date entered in the target date cell. This way if the Target Go-Live Date is changed, the other cell (Original Target Date) has that date saved in it. My thought was to only set Original Target Date = Target…
linking two columns togther
Hello Everyone, I have two columns, one has the name of the customer "name" and the other column has the number we assigned to the customer "number". I am trying to link these two for example, let us say if I type 111 in the number column the name joe will appear in the name column, and the other way around. If I write joe…
Adding Nested IF Statement to Formula
I have a formula that calculates the "Planned % Complete" based on start and end date, with no weighting. We use it as a general guide because there is no planned % complete provided by Smartsheet. Formula: =IF(Start14 >= TODAY(), 0, IF(Finish14<= TODAY(), 1, (NETWORKDAY(Start14, MIN(TODAY(), Finish14)) /…
Deadline based on Priority dropdown menu
Hello all, I am using SS to process work orders. People fill out a form which has a priority dropdown column with classifications such as urgent, semi urgent, can wait etc... I wanted to see if i could write a formula in the deadline column to calculate a date based on the priority picked. ie- if someone picks urgent, the…
Formula to change RYGG balls when Project Stage changes
I am new to SS and I am trying to automate the Project Status Red, Yellow, Green & Gray balls to change to the correct color based on the Project Stage selected. Project Stage drop down will need to work as follows: Red Ball = Not Started Yellow Ball = Scheduled, Field Work, Drafting, Completed, Preliminary Sent Gray Ball…
SUMIFS with 2 criteria
Can't get the right formula for the task I want to perform - as follows - IF the PRODUCT column = "MMS", and the POSITION column = "CURRENT - CORE", then SUM the JAN'18 FCAST column basEd on the following range - JAN'18 facst19:JAN'18 fcast160 Latest formula version I tried is: =SUMIFS(JAN'18 fcast19:JAN'18 fcast160,…
Sheets Last Modified
Hi, I have a formula =MAX([Last Modified]:[Last Modified]) + "" for getting the most recent date in the Last Modified System Column to get the latest modification date is for the whole sheet. Now, I'm trying to gather all those Dates and Times to get the most recent change in multiple sheets. However, upon linking them and…