linking two columns togther

edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

Hello Everyone,


I have two columns, one has the name of the customer "name" and the other column has the number we assigned to the customer "number".  I am trying to link these two for example, let us say if I type 111 in the number column the name joe will appear in the name column, and the other way around.  If I write joe in the name column the assigned number 111 will show in the number column.





  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Omar,

    There currently isn't a way to link columns together such that you can type their name in one column and have the number appear OR type the number to have their name appear.

    You can, however, create a LOOKUP function in your sheet that will automatically type the number in if you type their name in. 

    Note that you can only have the number fill in if you type their name (not the other way around), as formulas can't be placed in contact columns.

    Details on the LOOKUP function are available in our help center:

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