Trouble with 'Quantity Delivered'
I am working on Inventory Management Project, and I am facing one issue there, I have one “Data sheet”, here I am maintaining the data location-wise, and maintaining the information like utilization, Quantity manufactured, and Quantity delivered, and I am facing an issue with “Quantity delivered”. Location combinations…
IFERROR and INDEX/MATCH formula with criteria?
I am using this formula currently on a work document (slightly modified): =IFERROR(INDEX({Assigned Specialist}, MATCH([Project Name]@row, {Project Title}, 0)), "") Now, what I would like to add is a criteria to this formula that checks the other sheet (the same sheet that Assigned Specialist is on) to see if the Project…
Sum a revenue column YTD Based on a subscription start date (or month) and the current month.
I have tried a variety of formulas in my sheet summary to show a YTD value of revenue based on a subscription start date and the current month. Can anyone point me in the right direction of how to make this possible? I have created a "month" column for the subscription date as well as today's date =SUMIFS([EA Net…
VLOOKUP for a date within a referenced row of matching username
Hi, I am building a sheet that references a larger sheet of user activity. There are two sheets are play. Sheet A is the main database and Sheet B is a culmination of data, soon to shoot off into reports of its own. Sheet A has two columns which include parent and child rows. Sheet A Column 1 is named originalUsernames. It…
IF/THEN copy value
I have two sheets and three columns. I would like to write a formula in Column A of Sheet 1 that will read Column B of Sheet 2. If the cell in Column B matches "X" then return the value in the cell of Column C on Sheet 2. Is this possible with VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH? Thank you in advance! Melissa
Using a VLOOKUP and IF statement to return different values based on two different columns
Hi, I'm so sorry if this kind of question has been asked in the community forum but I've been trying to comb the questions but haven't had any true luck yet. Currently I used a VLOOKUP function to populate a personnel contact column based on a particular project column. That part is working correctly. However, recently I…
Project with Work Breakdown Schedule Template
I am new to smartsheet trying to see if it will work for our company. So far I like it, but I am having trouble figuring out how to change the start date of a task if there is a delay and have it move all the dates past it up. I have looked at the properties and it is dependent on predecessors and I don't see how to change…
Countifs function when using multiple contacts in a cell
Hello, I am trying to run metrics on assigned tasks that are assigned to people on my team. I have reports that will pull into each person's task report even with multiple assigned contacts in a cell, but when I do COUNTIF for a specific person's task, it does not count because there are multiple contacts in a cell.…
Systems columns
Hi, I have a form that gathers data. The team works on it and rows change status. Once a row changes to approved, I'd like to move it off to another sheet but my automation is giving me an error - sheet you are moving data too has a systems column of the same name as your original sheet. I have deleted my created by/date,…
Count per month based off created date
Hello, I'm struggling to get the count of submissions per month. For the submission date I used the "created date" in the drop down options for this specific column. I am not getting any errors with my formula it's simply counting them as "0." For example, June should show a total of 4 submission, but my formula is…