Offline forms
Are there any ways to set up the ability to create online and offline forms for off-site locations where internet connection cannot be guaranteed?
Error in adding smartsheet as data source in tableau server
Hi All I am trying to publish a sheet to the tableau server so other people in my team can connect using the tableau desktop by logging into our tableau server. I was able to publish the sheet to the server as a data source, but am unable to connect to it again using the tableau desktop The steps I followed are 1.) logged…
Jira Connector Error Message
I am trying to set up my Jira Connector and am receiving the following error: "Invalid response from JIRA, statusCode: 400, reasonPhrase: Bad Request Could not find issue by id or key". We have the Issue Key set up to send from Jira to Smartsheet. Can anyone point me to a troubleshooting guide with the status and reason…
Can't always open calendar details on Smartsheet Calendar app
For some reason, I can't open all of my rows on the Smartsheet calendar app when I click on it for more details. When I click on some, it does nothing. If I click on some others, it will open and I can click back to the row that didn't open and it will open with job details. I narrowed it down to rows that are duplicated…
Do Smartsheet Support an API to fetch header names of a template?
I want to make an API call to fetch the column names and respective datatypes of a user-created-templates.
How to select a row's position using Azure Logic Apps.
I need to be able to add a row wherever I want by connecting a logic app to the built in connector to Smart Sheets. I've got the package formatted correctly to actually insert the row into the correct sheet with the correct information, but it adds it to a random row. How can I dictate which row it gets inserted into using…
Updating an Existing Calendar with a New Sheet
Is there a way to sync information from a sheet onto an existing Google Calendar? as opposed to creating a new one? I know that it is possible to create a new Google Calendar from a Sheet, but the issue I have is that it provides a whole new Calendar, and what I want to do is simply use the Sheet to update an already…
Sms message with ink
Hi, I’m using Zapier/Smsapi/Smartsheet integration and it doesn’t work because my sms contains link. However I’m sure that smsapi app allows links in their messages. Please, help
How to connect Smartsheet with tableau desktop on Mac OS
Hi All, I am trying to create a connection to tableau with my smartsheet to pull data into tableau , I am able to do this in windows os using the smartsheet live data connector, but i am not able to find an equivalent for that on MAC os , is there anyway i can make it work on Mac, any pointer /links would be highly…
Smartsheet reminder/alert via SMS
Hi all, My organization would like to set an automation that will send an SMS message to a customer when a date is reached. Does Smartsheet support this? Is there an integration that can help with that? Thanks!