Automating the Documentation of Historical Values without Workflows
Problem: How to automatically document historical values without using the automation workflow. I have a two-line graph of which one line (let's color it black) represents desired results within a date range. This date range ends in the future. The second line (let's color it red) represents actual results within the same…
Need help creating a chart, if possible.
We get data monthly/quarterly from carriers and I am trying to create a dashboard for an easier visual on what we have and dont have but i cant seem to find a good solution. I created two different sheets but i cant use the data from either. So for example, I want something that shows August and updates once i check the…
Am I unable to create stacked bar charts from reports?
Hi, I'm currently trying to build a personal dashboard so that each person in our team (~75 users) is able to see their own individual metrics. One of the things I'm trying to build is a view where we can see their time spent on individual tasks as a percentage for each month over the last 12. Naturally with this being a…
Graph has no Continuous Trend Line
Smartsheet has great visual graphs, one problem however is it does not have continuous trendlines (like Excel - but this isn't perfect either). So If I have 12 months and say 4 data points, I end up with a part-line & scatter plot; instead of the line graph I selected (does not show the full line or full trend). Ideally I…
How do we make Graphs look the same on desktop and mobile dashboard
We have a dashboard that has 3 graphs in it, based on reports. On the desktop version Y axis starts at 0 and has specific colours for the different lines. On the mobile version the y axis starts at -2 and has different colours for the lines. This is on all 3 graphs. How do we make them be the same graphs?
Summary Fields for Dashboard based on dropdown values
Hi All, I have a rewuirement and, although I have a solution, it is very manual. I was wondering if there was a better andmore efficient way of doing what I needed. It is a question of reverse engineering in that my requirement starts with the end product a dashboard. On this dashboard I wish to show, in graph format, how…
Report and Dashboard
In my sheet, I have a column calculating the NETDAYS between two events. This column does not show up if I try to create a Summary Report. It only allows me to create a Row Report. In a dashboard, how can I use a half-pie graph to show the number NETDAYS greater than 37 and NETDAYS less than or equal to 37. I do have…
Creating a graph from 3 variables
Hello, I would like to create a graph in SS from using three variables: CSP name, Observations (Critical, Major and Minor) and Categories (findings). Please find below example: I did create report from the sheet and tried to create Chart in Dashboard, but it says "Selected data can not be charted, please select a new…
Stacked Bar Chart Labels Unable to Show Negative Values
I reached out to Smartsheet support regarding a labeling issue I encountered. When displaying data in a stacked bar chart (example on right), data labels do not appear for negative values. I can only get the negative values to appear on a regular bar chart (example on left). Per the support team, any combination of columns…
Stacked Bar Chart Label Issue
Hello, I'm having issues showing data labels on a stacked bar graph. I can get the labels to appear on a regular bar graph (left) but when I stack them (right), I only get data labels for the last row. Any idea why this is happening? I thought it was only showing positive %s but noticed there would be a 10% in the middle…