Index matching formula for cross referring between sheets
Hi everyone, I would like to get help with a formula related to index matching. I have two sheets, for the purposes of this discussion - Sheet A and B Sheet A (only has these two columns) Sheet B is a grid view sheet that has a Smartsheet intake form. My ask is - When the intake form is submitted, if Dermatology - Dr. Ozog…
INDEX/COLLECT with both MATCH and CONTAINS criteria
I am looking for help with a cross-sheet INDEX/COLLECT formula. I need to MATCH in one criteria and CONTAINS in another criteria. I can get them working separately but I don't know how to combine into a working formula. Source Sheet: Destination Sheet: In the Attending School column in Destination Sheet, I'd like to…
INDEX MATCH Formula help
Hi I'm looking for help with a formula. I've gotten some of it written but I'm missing something. I have a "Mastersheet" where my form responses are held. Then depending on the form originator the row is copied to a new sheet. The new sheet will be where tasks are worked on and completed. I have a "Record Closed Out?"…
Index/Match with Has and Specific Select
I have an master roster and each week I need to ensure a response for each. Since each responder has mutliple areas of responsibility, one submission may cover multiple items from the master roster. I used an index/match formula however when there are multiple entries in a single line, I get a #No Match. And now that the…
Index Match on same sheet only matches to the first key found at top of row
The Index Match on same sheet only matches to the first key found at top of row where I am expecting it to look at all rows in the sheet. Here's the formula in Col3. =INDEX([Capacity 1]@row, MATCH([Collapsing 1]@row, Key:Key, 0)) And the example is below: You can see that the ABC12345 under Collapsing 1 col matches to the…
Returning multiple INDEX/MATCH or COLLECT on separate rows
I have a sheet (call it "Master Sheet") with a column called "Item ID". The "Item ID" is a unique system generated field. This sheet has an other column "Status", Status is a single select drop down column. For sake of argument lets say one of the values is "TRUE". I would like to create a separate sheet (call it…