I get these errors, but not sure how to troubleshoot when attempting to perform a global update to a dashboard. I checked all the references in the widgets, ownership/access, etc.
What order do the workflows get executed in? I have a workflow to move a row, but it can only be triggered right away. If that happens will other workflow items also execute? Other workflows trigger o…
I am trying to replace a formula in a Sheet Summary Field and it doesn't do anything regardless of what I choose. After adding Advanced Criteria [ROW] Is Profile Data doesn't seem to do anything. It a…
I could not seem to find this anywhere, maybe I just missed it. Is there a way to get the name of the current sheet in a cell? In other words I would like use the name of the sheet so I can parse it f…
What format does the source file need to be in order for Data Shuttle to upload dropdown choices? I know it needs to be a .csv or Excel file, but what does that file look like? All all values in a sin…
I have a tab delimited file, but its normal extension is .txt which Data Uploader will not see when picking a source file. Renaming the same file with .csv doesn't work either. The same file, regardle…
We setup a Smartsheet Admin account so that there is no one person owning the Data Uploader scripts, but rather this shared account. This works well. In addition, we have a different OneDrive sign in …