Please consider added Control Center global change functionality to be able to rename the project links for already provisioned projects. In addition add a control center global change to be able to c…
Does anyone know if I can remove assets out of the Portfolio Workapp blueprint just for the workapps? I developed a large PPM program for my organization. Due to Portfolio Workapp limitations I need t…
Hello all, Does anyone have any ideas on how I might be able to hide row comments in a report that is in an individual project Workapp within a control center Portfolio Workapp? I have hid the comment…
Hello By chance does anyone know how I can change the name of the project link for projects that have already been provisioned in control center? I also need to have the link launch to a different das…
Hello All Wondering if anyone might be able to help me figure out how to pull in a dependency enabled project plan start date into the summary section at the top of the sheet so that it is profile dat…
Hello All I have provisioned about 100 project toolkits through Control Center, and I don't like the way the folders in Smartsheet are sorting. Can I rename the folders in Smartsheet without breaking …
Hello Smartsheet Community I had to disable predecessors in this project plan. I worked with the ProDesk to come up with a way to have a calculated weighted formula. There is also a formula that calcu…
Hello Smartsheet Community Just needing a little more formula help. I have an IRAAD that is being provisioned through a control center blueprint. In this IRAAD I need to add a column formula under the…
Hello Just wondering if someone could help me update this column formula. I need it to exclude the N/A status. It is currently a column formula column that flags any items that are past due from the E…
Good Evening I am wondering if something could possibly tell me what is wrong with the following. I need to disable dependencies on my Network Project Plan. I met with the pro desk, and we test using …