If I create a Hyperlink is there a way to make it open in a new tab? If I add a Hyperlink to "Case Cleaning Nightly Form" This links to another sheet. I want the sheet to open in a new tab instead of …
I have 4 columns with dates (they are set as date columns). Here is what I want to do using the following example: These are the 4 columns with their values: Check-In Date: 01/27/2024 Check-Out Date: …
I have a list of employees that change frequently in Sheet 1. I have a dropdown for employee in Sheet 2. Is there any way to populate the dropdown in Sheet 2 with the list from Sheet 1? Example: Sheet…
I have done this formula multiple times but cannot figure out why it is not working. SD Form Sheet SD Total Column (What I am trying to sum) Site ID Column SD Total Sheet Site ID Column Total SD (The …
Here are the sheets/columns that I am dealing with: SD Form (external sheet) Columns Site ID (SD Form Range 1) RT 1 (SD Form Range 3) RT 2 (SD Form Range 4) 1 Sticker (SD Form Range 2) 2 Sticker (SD F…
I need to be able to put 2 Index Collect in the same formula. This formula works fine but I need to be able also look for July (7) and Index another external reference. {Site Information Sheet Range 2…
Here is the formula that I have. It works fine except it is one day off: =IFERROR(NETDAYS([Completion Date]@row, [Due Date]@row), "") It calculates correctly but I need to adjust by one day: If the re…
Here is the setup: I have two sheets: November Schedule (where the formula will live) Columns Completion Date (Date Column) Hidden Lead Tech (Formula lives here) Historical Roster Columns Created (Dat…
I am trying to collect a value depending on the choice in a cell. I have 2 sheets using the following columns: Incoming Issues Site ID (Text field) Division (Dropdown field with 2 options: External, I…
There are two columns that I need to count and match: Date of Purchase Lead Tech Here is what I need the formula to do: If there is a name that appears more than once in the Lead Tech column, then: Co…