Is there a way to reassign tasks to a different user who has been deactivated or deleted to another user? I would like to replace a user with another on all their task assignments on all sheets simila…
We run into this all the time. We went from a folder system to smartsheet. Problem is, there is no way to create a folder in the attachment section of a row or sheet. So if you have many files that ne…
I want to create a column that indicates # complete a task should be per the start and finish dates. This will allow the user to compare expected vs actual % complete. I have a helper column already t…
We had an issue today that seems could have been avoided. All our project sheets have a cell for each row that can be checked by the user to remove the row if they do not want to use it. These rows ar…
I have this formula. It works well unless the cell is blank =IF([Warranty End Date]@row <= TODAY(), 1, "") How do I insert the ISBLANK logic in this formula? So far, It hasn't worked.
I have 2 columns with contacts in them. I have another column that contains Identifiers. Depending on what Identifier I use, determines which of the contacts I copy to the Assignment Column. What form…
Currently there are issues with opening files such as MS Excel in Smartsheet with out it having to be downloaded. I suggest researching a way to open files in the customers current office 365 platform…