I have 2 forms for my 2 primary Smartsheets that I depend on and use regularly. All of a sudden both sheets are not working and returning this message "The form you are attempting to access is no long…
it looks like my company canceled the Smartsheet license program for the office and i didn't know. This is bad news cause we still need all that data. do you know if there is a any process to gain tem…
need help with this simple formula for a sheet summary =COUNTIF([IEP Status], "NEW (not signed)", "Active", "Active (Needs Att.)") something is wrong with the formatting I want to count number rows th…
I'm trying to develop a template for scheduling the 30 to 60 sub tasks in each of the many year long projects I'm managing. Im hoping to use a dashboard to tack all the projects at once. but for the t…
I want to develop a template sheet that I can use to easily schedule out 30 to 60 different 30 min subtasks evenly over 200 specific available work days each year. I started out trying to set up a gan…
Hi all, I'm an Occupational therapist for kids with autism. After the pandemic rendered our therapy office paper data filing system obsolete(I couldn't access it from home), I determined to make the m…
I'm using this formula to return a student specific date from another sheet based on a student code =INDEX({Student Code from info sheet}, [Student Code]@row, {IEP date from info Sheet}) it says #INVA…
I've build a pretty large Smartsheet for tracking data yearly contracts for each of my 60-70 clients on therapy caseload with formulas in each row that reference other sheets and pull numbers from dai…
trying to get a sum for the number of OT sessions for each student in a given week not sure what's wrong with my formula =SUMIFS([Todays Week ]@row, {Week Number}, [Student Code]@row, {OT Student Code…