Hello. I'm looking to split out the following string to provide just the supervisor name and I've yet to figure out the formula.. thoughts on how I do that in a helper column? Thanks Supervisor | Appr…
HI all. looking for thoughts on how to provide reason codes when a form submittal goes through the approval workflow but then is declined and providing a denial reason as part of that denial so the su…
Hello. youd think this would be a simple calculation, and Im finding it works every day but on Sunday. currently using =[Created Date Only]@row - (WEEKDAY([Created Date Only]@row) - 2) to calculate th…
Im looking for a better way to pull down data from a data table. Im uploading daily data manually using data shuttle (via an attachment) which is fine for now, but the data is large enough that I have…
Hello. Im testing out triggering an automation based on a countif, but I cant figure out the logic to apply the automation as the countif increases. For instance. I want the automation to run each tim…
Hi all, Im new to data shuttle, implementing my first workflow.. overall its working fine, but what its not doing is deleting records when I attach new data to my source sheet. The scenario is, the so…