Hello all, I have a sheet with a column that has this formula in a column labeled "This Month Available Hrs Remaining" =NETWORKDAYS(TODAY(), IFERROR(DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), MONTH(TODAY()) + 1, 1) - 1, DAT…
HI all, I have a sheet that has a column with total Jan Work hours available and i have another column that names the production division that those Jan work hours belong to. I was to create a column …
Good afternoon I am not understanding why I am having this issue, I have two sheets and on one sheet thecolumn formula works, on the other sheet it is giving me an "Invalid Ref" . For what is is worth…
HI All I have a formula that I am trying to write for a checkbox column. We have a "Meter" column and we want the checkbox column to be checked if the "Meter" column is 100% or less and not check if i…
Good evening, Are we doing something wrong? When the sheet is "Filter Off" the child rows show. However when I try and use a filter it will not show the child rows anymore which does not help because …
Hi We have a dynamic view we are trying to use where we have the below automation to send an email to the people in the following column cells. But, the emails are not getting sent out, I even have my…
Hi All, we have an issue that is creating major problems, the begin Date and end date are not working with the duration (Days is how we named it) column. Some of the dates are correct and some are not…
Hi, we have a workflow that was working and now it is not working but there is no reason why, it just says to try again. It is for when a row is added to copy to another sheet but it is not working. S…