I am creating a Metric sheet to count if three column criteria are met on the source sheet. The sheet references I have made are all caps. I have tried variations of the below: =COUNTIFS({TYPE:TYPE}, …
I have been able to set up automation on my sheet to move rows to another sheet. It does add rows to the sheet but, it puts them at the bottom. I am looking to move the row in the particular parent-ch…
Hello, I am trying to sort a report by revenue descending to ascending. The primary column is states. The report automatically sorts by primary alphabetically. I do want it grouped by states but would…
Hello, I am trying to understand why only certain sheets have the option to lock rows? I am the owner of each. There is not an option to select the lock in this sheet. I have the option in this sheet.…
Hello, I am making a survey template to send forms(surveys) to others and will autofill responses in the sheet. I have formulas in that columns all are working perfectly but I cannot figure out why th…
I am looking to create a formula that will stop calculating once the checked box column is marked. The formula I am using to count the days is =TODAY() - [Date added]@row. I would like it to stop coun…