I'm trying to create a formula in a parent row to return the most common value of its children (High, Medium, or Low) and keep getting an #Invalid Operation error If there are equal or more highs than…
The dependency column changes project dates and I don't want it to. Is there a way to turn that function off so I can just show relationships or what other ideas do you have for showing multiple relat…
I'm trying to get a count of open RAID items. We have the following statuses in the status dropdown: New, In Progress, Backlog, Requires Validation, and Complete. What is wrong with this formula?: =CO…
I know that I can't create a matrix in Smartsheet, but I'm working on creating a formula using two columns and need to have it return one of 4 answers. If Column A is less than 3 and Column B is less …
I am trying to get a count of completed tasks by a team by month across multiple sheets. I've created this formula in the sheet summary: =COUNTIFS(Status:Status, "Complete", [Team Assignment]:[Team As…