The following is 4824 characters and it seems too long?? =IF([M1]$44 <> "",SUM(SUMIFS([M1]$54:[M1]$134, $[P&L Impacted]$54:$[P&L Impacted]$134, $[P&L Impacted]@row, $[nonEBITDA?]$54:$[nonEBITDA?]$134,…
We have over 1000 provisioned projects within ~20 workspaces, so Global Updates (GUs) have been our friend. We recently used the "Add Profile Data" GU to insert about 20 rows into a specific sheet wit…
Hello - new user here! I have a new sheet with ~200 rows with ~25 columns. I have created a form to feed data into the sheet and that is working great. A few of those columns include creator name, dep…