Is there any way to automatically create/insert a row into a sheet based on a trigger from within that sheet, like a status being set to a specific value? Essentially, copy a row of a sheet and paste …
I have a sheet that I used to create a Report with only certain columns and rows displaying that I want to publish/embed into SharePoint to allow people to view the information in a read-only view and…
Hello, I have a need to use a Form to capture training completion, where the supervisor can select multiple values from an employee dropdown to select everyone who completed the training course. The a…
Is there any way to automatically create/insert a row into a sheet based on a trigger from within that sheet? Essentially, copy a row of a sheet and paste it as a new row into the sheet with a differe…
Does anybody know if it's possible, and if so which add on products you need, to create a front facing user site that has a place to basically input or select a value, and then view data dynamically b…
I have a sheet that tracks support tickets and who is assigned to each one. We want a dashboard that shows the total number of open tickets and total number of open/closed tickets for each assignee. T…
I have a sheet where we are trying to track the date a reminder needs to be sent for certain inspections. Some inspections are annual, some are every 5 years and some every 10 years. For the annual in…
I have a sheet that tracks the phone number of our company cell phones and the allocation % breakdown for each phone for the appropriate budget codes that pay for that phone. For example, line 123-456…
I have a sheet that has reached the cell reference limit and won't allow other sheets to copy rows into it. After doing some research it seems that my column references (column:column) within my formu…