Is there a way to have a formula highlight/fill the boxes based on criteria entered? I know this is doable with conditions, however I am finding myself making 3 conditions for each column and its a he…
Good Day, Is there a way to create a signature using the forms? Say if one person is out in the field on their tablet, do a review with an employee. Can the employee sign to agree yes they have had th…
If I have a "Due Date" column, and I want another column to calculate the amount of days leading up to that date… what formula would be created? It would be marked "Closed" if completed and "Open" if …
Hello, I am changing my email address due to a new last name. I see that there is a way to add and email address in to your profile as an addition where smartsheet would recognize both. My question is…
Hi there, We use a form to input training files. For example Bob C- Analogs passed - Date If Bob C already exists due to previous training, if there a way to have Smartsheet automatically child the ne…
Hiya! Is there a way to hide other users from seeing fellow users permissions to workspaces? Is there a way to only show the owner/admins the other users permissions but not between editors and viewer…
Hi Team - I have a bit of a doozy.. at least it is for me. I have a sheet that needs a status populated considering 2 different date columns. If either "Expiry Date" or "Expiry Date 2" is in the past …
Good Day, I am trying to find the best way of indicating the data within 3 columns. I thought the IF formula would do the trick. Currently I have 2 columns Unit Seal Broken (Yes/No) and then Reinvento…
Example I currently have that is only considering one in the range =COUNTIFS({Site Wide SOC's 2024 Range 2}, "Plant Maintenance", {Site Wide SOC's 2024 Range 1}, "USA") What I would like to see is tha…