I am trying to total the number of completed submissions on my Ankeny Repair spreadsheet based off of a specific month from a specific year. Range 4 is the column with the completed dates. My current …
Hi All I was wondering if anyone has been able to come up with a formula to count a row if the column due date is a certain amount of days from "today". I want to add a backlog tracker to my dashboard…
I am receiving the #INVALID REF error in smartsheet and I am not sure how to correct it. =VLOOKUP([PART NUMBER]1, [PN]1:[PART DESCRIPTION]1800, {2,3,4,5}, false) Below is the excel sheet formula that …
Hi All I have a formula question - I am looking for the number of vacation days to populate when an anniversary date is between a certain date range. For instance with an anniversary date of 03/05/199…