I have created an "Request Update Automation", when editing the specific fields to include--is there any way to change the order of the items. Currently the fields are by order they appear on the shee…
We use a sheet with a form accessed through a QR code to Clock In and Clock Out. The problem is that to figure out the calculation the sheet is downloaded to an Excel spreadsheet and calculated to det…
I am using the following column formula to project 10 working days from the time a form is sent. How to I change the formula to remove the #Invalid Data Type when the Date field in Date Payment Reques…
When setting up a mapping in Document Generation, has anyone used the optional field to enable data syncing. You select the columns you want to sync. Then when your e-sign recipients update the matchi…
I just tested moving a row of information to another sheet and the history for the cells was not available. It only showed my information as of the date moved. Has something changed? Thanks
The tracking column on a mapping is on and is working correctly when I send/generate a document(Admin). However when another staff (Editor permission/does have a Smartsheet License) sends the tracking…
Here is what I want to accomplish: If the Employee Number is Blank and the Assignment Role is Not Blank, put in "AP". If the Employee Number is Not Blank, and If the Assignment Role is C, L, or S Adju…
I have a sheet collecting best times available for each of the 10 courses available, the multi select drop down is: Monday Morning (7a-12p) Monday Mid-Day (12p-4p) Monday Evening (4p-9p) Tuesday Morni…
I am trying to Join three columns, the first two are full names the third is a auto generated number. I need the first letter of each column and then the number. I've tried to use Join and Left but it…