I would love to be able to add a progress bar on a Smartsheet Form, so that as a user completes fields, they can see how close they are to completing it. Generally speaking I find Smartsheet Forms to …
I need advice! I'm trying to use Data Shuttle to automate an export to a Google Sheet, then use that Google Sheet to feed a Google Data Studio dashboard (I can't use the Smartsheet d/b because I need …
Does anyone know of a way to add a progress bar to a Smartsheet Form? I.e., as the user completes the form fields, the progress bar shows how close they are to completing the form? Thanks for your hel…
Hello, I have a workflow automation configured that copies a row from one sheet to another based on certain criteria. Two of the columns that are copying based on this automation are the Last Modified…
I have a work app that I'm sharing with a cross-departmental team, and I need to have a second person able to manage roles and add/remove users. I know how to set up roles to manage page permissions, …
I have a situation in which I’m going to have a team of people, each assigned a group of sheets/projects, and more sheets/projects will be added regularly. I need to be able to: a. Aggregate data from…
Hello - I see in this post from last month (https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/82701/smartsheet-university-is-here#latest) that a new certification program will be launching in 2022, but I'm …
I am having a crazy hard time getting this workflow automation to trigger emails! I've tried it as an alert and an update, I've tried deleting and re-entering it, I've tried changing the field that tr…
Hi - I am really struggling with the steps I need to take to convert a smartsheet with incoming form data into charts that reflect that data. I've gotten as far as creating sheet summary fields using …