Trying to Index/Match - Help! I need to pull the 'Total Base Pay - Amount' from another sheet into my current sheet by using employee ID as the match identifier, however there are 3 of the same employ…
Criteria from my main data source is: Geo = North America Stage = Closing Opportunity Category = Interim PCS Invovlement = None in my main sheet doing a filter, I get 2 lines of data returned so I nee…
Hello! I need a formula to check KPI Met box if "Current Review Complete" is less than "Complete Update Due By", however if the Current Review Complete cell is blank, do not check the KPI Met box. Tha…
I currently have a formula that will look at the pay rates for the same Emp ID and if there is a difference, it checks the Attention Pay Rate box in all rows with that Emp ID. This formula is: =IF(COU…
Hello! I need a formula that will look at all of the line items of an employee ID and then look at the column for the pay rates and if they are different, to check a box: This screenshot has 3 line it…
I need to compare the postal code in two or more rows with the same Employee ID to make sure they match each other. If they don't then to check a box for Attention: Zip Code. For instance, below, we …
Hello! I am trying to come up with a formula in the Postal column that will look at the Emp ID, compare the postal code to ensure it matches on each line with the same Emp ID. If it doesn't, then to c…
Hello! I am trying to setup a rule or conditional formatting to indicate when an availability date is going to need attention. Example: Consultant Available Date is 11/21/21 but the Max End Date colum…
Hello! I need help with a formula when there are multiple rows of the same name with different estimated end dates - I need the furthest date to populate in the max end date column. Thanks for your he…
For our process documentation review cycle, we have a column for Date of Next Review. There is a column next to it, Reviewed Process, that has a dropdown to indicate if the document has been uploaded …