Dear Community, Today I faced a very interesting (for me at least) situation: My automation workflow sent an update request to a user and when this user tried to open it, received a messaged at the br…
Dear Team I am working since years with the Calendar App to provide to a certain amount of people worldwide, view access to all training sessions we provide in our global training facilities. We made …
Dear Team I am working since years with the Calendar App to provide to a certain amount of people worldwide, view access to all training sessions we provide in our global training facilities. We made …
Dear Smartsheet experts and friends I developed a long system with several automation interaction messages: alerts, updates, etc.... All our messages were set to go out using our Organization's name. …
Dear community friends, I have implemented in one of my solutions, an update request automation that will run once on a specific date (date field), a specific time when three other conditions shall be…
Dear smartsheet masters, I do have a sheet that I document event name, how many days this event takes, contacts to be scheduled for this event. In the majority of the events, I do have only 1 contact …
Hi guys, I have been working since days in one formula, what I call "cascate formula", to validate 4 variables to define if an event require attention or not. An event can only be validated, if there …