Good day. I would like to add in my summary a formula, it is the sum of the revenue, not made, for each Month. So it it the JOB_VALUE column - to indicate the value of the job ACCOUNTS columns - to in…
Good day, I want to the the following formula in my sheet summary. I want to know how many enquiries there where in 2023 (The ref Number for 2023 Enquiries are "EC-xxx") The REF colomn is an auto-numb…
Good day, In our Company we use "Stages" to determine the quality/lead time of a new sale. We have 6 Stages. Stage one which is a potential client that has low intrest (cold Lead) and where stage 5 is…
Good day, We have an enterprise plan with Smartsheet. Today I created two WorkA pps - but I keep getting a notification that they need a lisence. I am not sure how to correct this.