Good morning! I would like to change the behaviour of the below formula that defines rag status... =IF(Status@row = "Complete", "Gray", IF(AND(Status@row = "In Progress", [Due Date]@row > TODAY()), "Y…
Hello Smart Sheet-ers, I am fairly new to SmartSheet so excuse me if this is breathtakingly simple. I need to create a report of the following in dashboard. I assume from using Sheet Summary. It needs…
Hello Smart Sheet-ers, I am fairly new to SmartSheet so excuse me if this is breathtakingly simple. I need to create a report of the following in dashboard. I assume from using Sheet Summary. It needs…
Hi all, I am looking to create a RAG status, based on start date of a task. Rules would be: If start date is over a week away, status is GREEN If it's within one week of the start date is YELLOW If st…