Hi, I'm trying to create a column in Smartsheet that shows 30 minutes increment round up. I have a column that shows in minutes for the differences of the start time and end time. =(TIME([end]@row)-TI…
Hi, I'm setting up data shuttle where unique identifier can be in multiple dates and would need to make sure all data in multiple days flow. In excel, I have a helper column as =ID&"_"&TEXT(Date, "yyy…
Hello All, I have a question on this data shuttle. Using Data shuttle, I've set column as ETA with users submit times like 02:00. However, when it comes to target sheet from data shuttle, it shows ran…
Hi, I'm trying to setup dynamic view where multiple external user groups update data daily. Since data should be limited to each of the groups, how can I setup shared filter to limit only the applicab…