I have several current user reports on a dashboard and I want the users to be able to add comments and attachments to the rows they see. However, when I set the permissions drop down to Commenter, the…
This one is a doozy and I feel like I must be missing something obvious, so bear with me: According to the activity log on my sheet, the status of three rows was updated to "04 Shareholder Review" by …
I know Sheet Summaries can be used to create Metrics widgets, but when I try to create a chart, there is no option to select a Sheet Summary as a data source. I thought the whole point of the summarie…
The title says it all; would really benefit from being able to view cell history from the card view instead of having to switch over to grid view every single time.
When receiving a tagged mention notification in Teams, it appears the only option to respond is to open the Smartsheet and reply there. Is it possible to reply back to the chat message and have it flo…
Right now my team sends requests via email and I use the Outlook Add-in to upload them my "to do" smartsheet. We have a form that they should be filling out instead, but it's almost impossible to get …