Hello, I need help simplifying this formula. I need to enter a Quarter based on a date, For example, if the date is Jan 1 2020, enter Q120 in the cell. If April 1 2020 than enter Q220, and so on. I am…
Hello everyone. I have a question regarding moving a sheet. If I move a sheet to another folder, does that change the user access and more importantly change the Public share only link. I already shar…
Hello. I would like to build an app to display content from a smartsheet. I want the end users to have a simple to use app/ Web page where they can search, filter and display content in a firm factor.…
I want to create a field with last update date. Is there such an option? I created a field and labeled it Last Update Date. Now somehow it is part of the Gant Chart and not editable in Dynamic Views? …
Hello, I need help with the following. I am buildig a sales pipeline tracker. On one sheet I have a list of master accounts. On the tracker sheet I have a column named account list. Can I do a lookup/…