I did not see this topic covered: Is there a way to combine logical "AND" and "OR" when creating a filter? The only options seems to be 'All conditions" (AND) or "One of the conditions" (OR) Here is w…
Hello, I need a sanity check: Following a crazy chase for a discrepancy in my sheet, I found out that if I create a filter "In the last 7 days", it starts counting yesterday as day 1. But if I calcula…
I installed the Smartsheet for Outlook App and it works fine *BUT* it only shows up on my default email. I am running Outlook 2016 on Windows 10 and I am using Outlook to access 7 emails accounts, bot…
Hello, I don't know if I can do that but I thought I'd check with the community. I want to embed in my email signature a short survey "How did I do: Great/Good/Poor" with three buttons. But I don't wa…
I have a few people extensively using their Google calendar to keep track of activities: They just create a new calendar entry on their phone for new or unexpected events ("The 1 hour meeting actually…
I am using SUM referencing a column on another sheet and I want to get that column to be Open-Ended (so that when new rows are added to the other sheet, they will be automatically be in the new total …