Issue: Have you ever filled out a form and noticed that the submissions aren't showing up in the sheet where they should? This is a common problem, but there's a simple solution! Cause: This usually happens because rows with previous data in your sheet were cleared using the "backspace" key instead of using the "delete"…
When designing Smartsheet dashboards, accessibility should be a top priority. This is when Smartsheet Dashboard Color Themes come to action! No more picking random colors or spending painstaking amounts of time making sure the colors you want to use actually work together. Now you can access 9 different color themes…
I've seen a lot of posts with people trying to figure out how to parse out predecessors so that they can set the status of the next task to "Ready" or something similar. I came up with a solution that worked for me, I figured I'd share it. This solution takes care of the various dependency types and lead/lags. 1) Create an…