SUMIFS Formula unparsable
Hello, My formula below keeps coming back unparsable and I can't figure out why...The column I need to be summed is referenced first in Range 2. I am also referencing the same date column for that Month and Year criterion. It's on the tip of my tongue but I am running out of options. Any help here would be wonderful. I…
duration between 5/30/19 and 6/4/19?
Hi all, 2 in May and 2 in June right? 4 total Why does the 2nd row show 3? Darrell
working with forecasting and actual sales amounts
This is the formula I am trying to activate to pull some sales data from a master sheet to a monthly summary by sales person. =SUMIFS({Current Lead Opportunity Tracker 2019 Range 3}, {Current Lead Opportunity Tracker 2019 Range 1}, "xxxx@xxxl.xx.xx", {Current Lead Opportunity Tracker 2019 Range 8}, "2", {D&C Current Lead…
Formulas For Metrics
Good afternoon, Looking for some help on setting up formulas to capture the following metrics per attached. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you !
Return Value if Between Dates
Hello! I have a [DATE SUBMITTED] column and need to create a reference column that returns the fiscal year that date falls in. Something like this - =IF [DATE SUBMITTED] > 10/01/17 AND [DATE SUBMITTED] < 09/30/18 RETURN "FY18" and =IF [DATE SUBMITTED] > 10/01/18 AND [DATE SUBMITTED] < 09/30/19 RETURN "FY19" I'm not sure if…
If statement based on date
I am trying to create a formula within my "Academic Year" field so that if the "Date" is more than August 25, 2019, the Academic Year field contents will be "2019-20" -- otherwise, the field contents will be "2018-19". =IF([Date]1 > (2019, 8, 25), "2019-20", "2018-19" I am using the date format (2019, 8, 25) based on what…
Count "New Entries based on a date" to a dashboard
I am adding new entries to a sheet daily. I need to know on a given date how many entries were added to the sheet. I need to be able to adjust this daily. I have created something on a google doc that works very well but I can't seem to duplicate it in smartsheets. My goal is to have this count reflect on my sheet…
COUNT by Manager and by Product
I have a column called "Manager" and Product columns called Product1, Product2, Product3, etc and these are all checkboxes How can I do a count by Manager of Product? Example: Joe Smith * Product1 - 3 * Product2 - 10 Jennifer Johnson * Product2 - 12 * Product3 - 5 * Product5 - 10
COUNTIF Checkbox Marked and Then COUNT Product
There is a column called "Terminated" and it is a checkbox and 5 other columns with Product1, Product2, Product3, Product4, and Product5 which are also checkboxes. I need a formula to COUNTIF "Terminated" is Checked, then COUNT the Product1, Product2, Product3, Product4, and Product5 columns. For Example: Terminated =…
Formula counting State
I have a column called "State". How can I do a count by all "State" and produce a chart? I want to avoid doing a formula for each State. Suggestion?