Trending in Formulas and Functions
IF and BLANK nesting formulas
I am trying to use an IF statement in the approved column that says "If status is requested, return PIPELINE, all other statuses return APPROVE, unless it's blank then leave the cell blank". Everything I try returns #UNPARSEABLE. I had it working but someone messed with my sheet and now I can't get it back! Help :)
Formula Help
I currently have a formula to Join and Collect Date from multiple rows in Smartsheet but it is displaying the data multiple times in the single cell, I need the formula to only show each unique ID once but can't seem to get the results to work. Every time, I adjust the formula below, to try and incorporate a new function…
LEN() command in an Intake Form
Am I able to show a field on my Intake Form based on a column length. I have the following working on the sheet column =IF(LEN([Short Description]@row) > 15, "Too many characters", "") but I would like another field to show if the Short Description has a length greater than 15. I have a field called Validation Check that I…