Automatically enter category into cell
Sorry, I do not know how to say this. I would like to see if there is a way to automatically enter the category name into a cell. (see image) I've manually put the category in the highlighted box but I'd like to see if there is a faster way? Thank you
Count how many jobs start in a month
I am trying to create a formula that counts how many jobs are due to start in a month, that havent already been started. I have created the below formula to try and count the jobs in the current month: =COUNTIFS({Tippa JC Status}, ="", {Tippa Start}, MONTH({Tippa Start}) = MONTH(TODAY())) Then I try and modify it to the…
Taking a dashboard "snapshot" as a pdf and attaching to a given row
While the header of my question seems confusing, hopefully an easy solution exists somewhere. I have a complex smartsheet's dashboard created which has metric widgets filled with values that update every time a new form is submitted to a sheet ("sheetX" for later reference). What I want to do is try and capture a part (or…
Hello! I'm trying to figure out a formula to return the highest value from a range as long as it matches certain criteria. In the screen shot's example-- I want (in column 'Highest Day Late') to return the value of the highest past due date based on the range only if it includes the name from the Primary Column. Please…
Health Check Formula Error
I am attempting to create a Red, Yellow, Green, Blue health check based on a Status Column and Planned and Actual Dates. I continue to get an #UNPARSABLE error message on below. I have checked, spelling, quotation marks and I can validate every logic function except the first =IF statement. Thought it was a ")" issue, but…
COUNTIF by MONTH in Sheet Summary Field
Hello, I'm trying to count the number of entries created in a month, based on the timestamp from the system generated Created field. I am able to do this with a helper column, where I perform the Month() function from the Created field in a column and then use the Countif formula in the Sheet Summary field (ex: To…
Single-Select drop down menu autofilling options
Hi, I am attempting to select an option from a single-select drop-down that will auto-fill the next column. I have loaded the formula as a one to one basis, i.e. if 'this person' is selected, populate 'this manager' in the next column. However, I need it to be across multiple employees. So if, this person, this person, or…
RAG Rating Formulas
Hi, I am struggling with RAG rating formulas (and its something that I have done before but I can't get my head around it at the moment!) I am trying to do the following tasks: Regardless of the end date, if % complete is 100%, then show a green rag rating If the finish date is within 30 days and the % complete isn't 100%,…
When we first started using Smartsheet, the rep who handled our "Launch Package" created the following formula. =IFERROR(IFERROR(INDEX({SupplierItemNumber-AL}, MATCH($[Our Part Number]@row, {OurPN-AL}, 0)), INDEX({SupplierItemNumber-MZ}, MATCH($[Our Part Number]@row, {OurPN-MZ}, 0))), "ERROR - CHECK PART#") It searches two…
Limiting the Quantity Selection on A Web Form
Hello! I have a form that allows users to select up to 5 types of shirts. I want to be able to limit the amount. So if for the green shit they select 3 shirts, for the red shirts I want them to only be able to select up to 2, and that would meet the 5 count. Does anyone have an idea on how I can do that?