Trending in Formulas and Functions
If cell is blank
=IF([Audit Due]@row < TODAY(), 1, 0) if the Audit due is blank I want the the answer to be 0. How would I write this formula?
If Statement with Multiple Factors
Hello, Sorry for needing additional formula help. For the HTN Kit Helper, I need to it either display Blood Pressure Kit with the Educational Language Helper, except if BP cuff helper is Extra Large Cuff I need it to only display "Extra Large Cuff" in the HTN Kit Helper column =IF([CK Type Helper]@row = "Blood Pressure…
SUMIFS with multiple OR criteria??
Hi Experts. I need to do some $$ calculations. I am working on a summary page I need the sum of the column Funding Committed, ignoring the rows where Pre-Approved or Declined are checked (they move the calc to another column). Something like: =sumifs({Committed:Committed}, {Pre-Approved:PreApproved},1, OR…