Automation for Changes made by a particular user
Hello, Is there an automation option that allows a notification to be sent if a particular user makes any type of change? For example, User A can make changes to the sheet without triggering the notification, but if User B makes a change a notification is sent. Thanks
Auto number Task Name/primary column with indent
Hello, I am new to using Smartsheet for project planning. I am directly writing tasks into the Task Name column for a new, shared project. Thus, it is getting tedious to manually write "Task 1.1" for the child task of the parent Task 1 because the tasks can be edited/moved. Auto-numbering a new column did not seem to help.…
Count If Formula
Hi I am trying to create a formula that counts how many times "short" appears in a column when the column next to it that is "new". Here is what I tried: =IFERROR(COUNT(COLLECT(Term:Term, CONTAINS("Short", @cell) AND([Project Type]:[Project Type],(CONTAINS("New", @cell),))))) =COUNTIF(Term:Term, CONTAINS("Short", @cell)…
Countifs returning no match
I cannot for the life of me figure out why this isn't working...it comes back with no match when there are 60. Spelling is right. =COUNTIFS(Director:Director, "Nolan Schmidt", [Preferred Agreement]:[Preferred Agreement], 1) The second range is a checkbox. Help please!
Formula Needed
Want to select a state (Example: CA = $60 per day) Start date column (1/24/22), end date column (1/27/22) Sum total in next column making total $180. How can I make a formula? Hopefully I have explained it well. 3 days x $60=$180
Customer worried about Sheet copying
Hi I have a customer that is worried about loosing their 'secret sauce'. That is, having their process logic stollen. The scenario is that a rouge user, say editor no sharing, performs a Save As. They then do a quick account upgrade and then 'Save As' this copy sheet, which they now own, off to their own workspace…
How to change font color depending results
Hi, I created test with Smartsheet formula. I got a column for the result. I would like to know how to write my formula in that column for the font to change color. For example, everything equal or higher than 60% is green 59% or less is red. Thanks
copying a row twice and giving each row a unique identifyer
Hi I have a created an audit form that can have 2 action items. To control each action item individually, I want to copy the row to a separate sheet with a unique identifyer. I'm able to copy the row 2 times based on a workflow condition. the copied rows are identical twins. Because both action information is in one row I…
How to Average(Collect()) while ignoring error messages
I would like to average the entire Value column whenever Customer is 'Y'. I've been able to successfully do if there are no formula errors by using the following: =AVG(COLLECT(Value:Value, Customer:Customer, true)) However, I discovered if there is an error in a value cell, the formula fails (it throws #NO MATCH error…
SUMIFS Formula
What am I missing...I'm trying to sum the 'Headcount' column only if the Name column = "OPEN" and the Title column = "Supervisor". I keep getting the #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET error. TIA