How to automatically add a "Date+2 days" formula to a cell when a new row is added?
In our request tracking database, currently if a Date Requested is "in the past" and another condition is not met, the entire row turns red to alert us of a new request. This is great, except that sometimes the request comes in after hours, and first thing the next morning the row is red. This gives our clients the…
Counting Number of Specific Selections in a Cell per Row. COUNTM or COUNTIF
(I created a mockup below and included the formula that errors as unparsable for me.) -I would like the count that "Alpha" and/or "Beta" appears in the Failure Reason column for each row not a column total, excluding "Etc". We are only looking at certain failure reasons and excluding others from this total. EXAMPLE: 12345…
Formula Needed
Hi, I am creating a formula for more than one row in the same column. The current formula I am using is: =IF([On Track/ Behind]21 = "On Track", "On Track", "Behind") The above formula only works for row 21. I still need to include On/Behind row numbers' 33,45,57,69,81,93,105 When using =IF([On Track/ Behind]21:[On Track/…
% Complete Report using boxes specific to create report
I use the Board Report Column as a filter only. More specifically, it allows me to filter only the items they want to see on their report. In addition, I need to provide them with a "% Complete" of only those items using based on the following: Not Applicable needs to be excluded, Not Started needs to be 0% and Complete…
Referenceone sheet and if 0, reference another sheet
Hello, I've been using smartsheets for several years now but really only starting to use formulas until recently so forgive my lack of knowledge. I have three sheets in play here. The primary sheet is looking at the second sheet for an average based on all references of a SKU. The second sheet might not have data for a…
Formula to change a name to their numeric ID
Can I get assistance in writing a formula that will look at who created the row and instead of showing their name I want it to show their numeric ID i assign to them?
NEWBIE Needs Days Aging Help
Hello, I am very new to Smartsheet and could use guidance. I'm also formula/function challenged! I am able to create the Days Aging function, but I'd like the aging to stop once a completion date has been entered in another column. Is this possible, if not can someone help me with a workaround? I appreciate your help so…
I want to make a formula to work for all rows, details are below, Thanks!
This smartsheet has a parsing formula that we cannot convert as a formula column, I want this formula to be converted in a formula column, please guide, Thanks!
Form logic decision based on greater than or less than comparison?
I have a text/number field that I'd like implement some form logic to show another field if the value is 2.0 or greater. I have added number validation, but the logic options don't appear to give me an option for greater or less than. I then thought that I might create a quick formula column that would result in "Yes" or…
Is it possible to have multiple return ranges located in multiple forms with INDEX COLLECT?
For example, pulling from one other sheet will use the following: =index(collect(return RANGE, criteria RANGE 1, criteria 1, ,1) I am looking for the INDEX COLLECT function to return values from multiple sheets depending on if the criteria range matches my @row. This will be the only criteria I search on. Thanks!